Today’s topic is the Japanese art of Kintsugi. Kintsugi is the hundreds of years old art of repairing broken pottery with a resin mixed with gold.
Directly translated into English, it means “golden joinery.” This method leaves the repaired vessel stronger and more beautiful than before. We can use Kintsugi as a metaphor for our shared human condition. We may be broken in some way during our lives- physically, mentally, or spiritually, and our brokenness may leave scars both seen and unseen. Our scars or our “cracks” tell a story, our very own personal stories, very much like the beautiful ribbons of gold tell the story of how a piece of pottery has become stronger, more beautiful, and valuable because of its cracks. Perhaps applying the concept of Kintsugi to our lives can transform how we view our own and others’ cracks and scars- bringing healing, strength, and beauty into our awareness and lives. Below are a few quotes for this week’s reflection: If your heart is broken, make art out of the pieces. - Shayne Koyczan There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen