This week's post is the fourth and final in the series of One-Minute Modules or "Gold Star Practices" as detailed by Integrative Life Practice (ILP). As a quick review, there are four core modules in the Integral Life Practice: Mind, Body, Spirit, and Shadow. Check out my previous posts for more.
Today we will tackle that dastardly Shadow. Arguably and admittedly, we all have that "dark side" or "dark thoughts" that can creep in and mess with us, our relationships, our productivity, and our happiness.
While there is much deeper work that can (and should) be done to understand and to redirect our shadow energy, here's a quick way to address our shadows and reframe them in 3...2...1...
The 3-2-1 Shadow Process
3) FACE IT: Observe whatever situation, person, interaction is causing you a disturbance or an emotional reaction. Describe it to yourself in detail, exploring the experience. Writing it down or journaling can help.
2) TALK TO IT: Once you've identified what is bringing about your shadow, enter into a simulated dialogue or conversation with the triggering situation asking questions like, "What /who are you? Where did you come from? What do you need to tell me? What gift are you bringing me?"
1) BE IT: Now allow yourself to see the situation from the other(s) perspective and explore how you may be more similar than different. This may feel uncomfortable because it contains a kernel of truth (gasp!).
You'll know the 3-2-1 process is working because you may notice a shift in your awareness, emotion, or energy, leaving you feeling lighter, freer, more peaceful and open. That's a beautiful thing.
In Just. One. Minute.